Episodes Season 3

Living Bi-Culturally: Family, College, and Dating (s3e12)

What do two Vietnamese-American women have to talk about when they haven’t talked for years? A lot of things, like growing up, defying stereotypes, not becoming a doctor or lawyer, going to community college, intergenerational trauma, dynamics of diversity, friends, relatives, interracial dating, and so much more.

Nellie Tran, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at San Diego State University with the Community-Based Block Multicultural Counseling Program, the Director of Research at the Center for Community Counseling and Engagement, and the Vice President of the Asian American Psychological Association.

Her work focuses on working with communities and agencies to create systems-level changes that reduce the impact of subtle forms of discrimination (i.e., microaggressions) on people of color and women within the workplace, educational, and counseling contexts.

Show Notes

Asian American Psychological Association

Center for Community Counseling and Engagement

Episodes Season 3

If your family history has dysfunction and trauma (s3e04)

Shame is a hefty word. The complexities get greater as you unpack it. To unravel that shame is a lifetime process and that’s when the adventure begins.

Irene Cho poignantly opens up about her lived experiences of erasing shame, dealing with her imperfections, discovering her family history, and why immigrant Asian parents are the way they are.

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The Hardship of Caring for an Ailing Loved One

My Dad passed away last year (May 2011) after having a strong 2.5 years before that. The stroke put him on a slow and steady downward path of declining health, first with memory loss, emotions out of control, then loss of mobility, loss of speaking. Ending with loss of life. Caregiving in a Chinese family context is filled with filial piety and love in action. It is a hard road.

DJ Chuang and brother Deef Chuang talk about the life and end of life matters with their Father, giving candid insights through their story as Chinese / Asian Americans – recorded via on 5/25/11; also see Remembering Bob Chih-Pao Chuang  at